"We recall with gratitude and respect all they lived for in this life," Jeff Vrabel, Jr.Chaplin for Sons of American Legion said.
Before boy and girl scouts, members of groups, and people in the community placed flags on graves of our nation's heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice, the Sons of American Legion explained why our country remembers our fallen.
"This is by far the most important day of the year because we would not be able to do literally anything any other day of the year without the men and women who sacrificed," Jeff Vrabel, Jr. added.
The organization and Auxiliary members are supporting Flying Flags for our heroes. 
The group in Poland added around 1,500 flags to graves, with the nationwide goal of one million flags on veteran's graves.
Jeff Vrabel Sr.,  dad served in the U.S. Army and made it home, however, his dad was with the last man killed in action during the Korean War. 
"People would not be able to have those picnics, and gatherings, and bake sales and bike sales at the stores and sofas and everything if it wasn't for the veterans who laid down their lives for our country. We have to remember them not just on Memorial Day, but every day because it was their sacrifice that gave us the freedoms we have today," Jeff Vrabel Senior, National Vice Commander Sons of American Legion said. 
Mary Vrabel will not only help put flags on graves of veterans today, but the member of the Auxiliary of Sons of American Legion Post 15 in Poland will be cooking for the veterans for a lunch after Monday's 9:15 a.m. opening ceremony for Memorial Day and after a procession to Poland Riverside Cemetery.
The procession on Monday will start at 10:00 a.m. at the American Legion Mahoning Valley Post 15 located at 35 Cortland Street and continue to the Poland Riverside Cemetery located at 110 Riverside Drive. 
Four World War II veterans will lead the procession.
"There are no words that can convey the amount of gratitude we should pay them," Mary Vrabel emphasized. 
Carol Straub also helps each year by putting flags on graves in memory of her dad seen here in the middle. The world war two veteran survived D-Day in Normandy, and served our country in other continents, but passed away when she was in elementary school she understands others never made it home. 
"Some didn't even make it back. I just think Memorial Day weekend should be focused on veterans and their gifts for all of us," said Straub. 
Taps were played after the placement of flags to mark the graves.  The observance is to remember our U.S. Service members who died for our country and our freedoms.