Police: Man steals 175 wooden pallets from Grove City Tractor Supply
If you’ve ever been to just about any big box hardware retailer, then you’ve probably seen that some of the goods are kept outside of the store in plain sight.
Thursday, April 27th 2023, 4:59 AM EDT

If you’ve ever been to just about any big box hardware retailer, then you’ve probably seen that some of the goods are kept outside of the store in plain sight. That doesn't mean those items can be taken without paying first.
Operators of the Tractor Supply store in Grove City have asked the State Police to help them find the person who helped himself to $700 worth of wooden pallets that were piled up in the parking lot.
According to a police report, a man pulled up to the store on Main Street Extension in a truck late Tuesday morning and loaded up 175 pallets, and then drove away.
Police described the truck as an older orange and white U-Haul box truck.