Charges could be dropped in memorial ride motorcycle accident

Months after filing serious charges in a June motorcycle crash, it's now possible they'll be dropped without a hearing. 

The family of Patrice Hagerty is calling for justice nine months after she was involved in a crash.

“Of course, it's not going to bring my mother back but at least do something and show that my mother mattered,” Carla Paris, Patricia's daughter said. 

On June 25, 2023, Patricia, her husband Harold Hagerty and a friend Paul Halfelder were all riding in the Teddy Foltz Memorial Ride. While traveling northbound on Route 616, a car turned left across the opposing lanes of traffic. Two motorcycles that the Hagerty’s and Halfelder were on swerved to not hit the car and crashed off the side of the road. All three were seriously injured and Patricia died four months after the crash.

“Patty’s life was definitely a result of this accident so I do think that some type of charges should stem from that,” Cheyenne Paris, Patricia's daughter in law said. 

The driver of the car, Gloria Dothard, was originally charged with a minor traffic violation. That was later bumped up to two counts of assault for Paul and Harold's injuries. But, those charges could be dropped.

The current Campbell Law Director, Lamprini Mathews said her office doesn't have the authority to pursue the charges unless the Ohio State Highway Patrol, who investigated the crash, signs off on them. Mathews said she was told that OSP doesn't feel the charges fit. 

21 News reached out to OSP for a reason why they wouldn’t sign as a complaint witness. 

“The Ohio State Highway Patrol completed a thorough investigation of the crash that occurred on SR-616 in Coitsville Township on 6/25/23.  All applicable charges stemming from this crash were filed with the Campbell Municipal Court Prosecutor’s Office,” Sergeant Bridget Matt said in a statement.

“We don't have answers, nobody has answers … I feel it could be investigated a little more. Prior to looking at the police report it seemed a little nonchalant,” Cheyenne said. “Who ever is at fault, or partially at fault, should be held accountable.”

Carla said the lack of charges has been disappointing. 

“Me and my mom were very close. I miss her every day,” Carla said. “It's not something that anything is going to fix but I do feel somebody should be held accountable.”

Back in October of 2023, Campbells former Law Director, Brian Macala held off on bringing charges against Dothard for Patricia’s injuries. Macala told 21 News he was waiting until they had an official ruling on Patricia’s cause of death. 

"I’m not going to commit the Mahoning County Prosecutor's office to this, but to some charge that can be related to manslaughter or otherwise," Macala said about what charges could possibly come if the death certificate ruled Patricia died from her injuries caused by the crash.

21 News reached out to the Mahoning County Prosecutor's Office to see if any of those charges have been filed since October. 

“It is my understanding that several assault charges are currently pending against Ms. Dothard in the Campbell Municipal Court,” Gina DeGenova, Mahoning County Prosecutor said in a statement. “... My office has not been contacted regarding this matter.  In the event we are presented with information from Campbell regarding this incident, we will review at that time.”

“Nobody should just walk away from this and nothing come out of this because it could’ve been prevented,” Carla said. “Accountability to me would be, everybody that has a part in this be charged to the max that they can be charged.”

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