As this week's heat wave continues, power companies are reminding people to be aware of their energy use.

According to PJM Interconnection, which is part of the region's electric grid, at 1:30 pm Monday, the region was using about 12,300 megawatts of power.

The high was 90 degrees.

If you compare that to one month ago, on June 2nd at about the same time of day, the region was using about 7,500 megawatts of power. 

The high then was 75 degrees. 

First Energy has also offered some tips on how to use electricity wisely during these hot days.

They suggest setting thermostats as high as comfort will allow. 

They said for every degree a customer can increase the temperature in their home, they will use about three percent less energy.

They also suggest keeping your refrigerators and freezers full. 

Cold items help keep other items cool, reducing the amount of work the refrigerator has to do.

Also, remember to check your air conditioner filters. Clogged filters can waste energy and money.

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