A $1.5 million resurfacing project that will give motorists a smoother ride on Columbia Avenue (Route 4011) in Greenville Borough, Mercer County is scheduled to start next month.

The project will include paving of 0.8 miles of Columbia Avenue from the Route 58 (South Mercer Street) to Route 358 (South Main Street) in Greenville.

The project also includes replacement of manholes, and pavement markings, signing and curb ramp updates.

Construction is expected to begin June 1, 2020, weather permitting, and is expected to be completed by September 18, 2020.

The project will require a detour during a portion of the work. It will be posted using Route 58 and Route 358.

During other times of the project, motorists may encounter lane restrictions with traffic controlled by flaggers.

The contract for the project cost $1,508,300, which is to be paid entirely with state funds.

PennDOT urges motorists to slow down when driving in work zones, and also to be alert to changing conditions, avoid distractions and to pay attention to signs and flaggers. Drive responsibly in work zones for your safety and the safety of the workers.