On Friday, 42-year-old, Jessica Kohler was struck head on in a crash in Austintown that sent 4 people to the hospital

Kohler is the PK-6th Grade Principal within the Liberty School District and remains in critical condition. Family and co-workers say they want to do all they can to help Kohler and her family during this time. 

"She's just an inspiration to anyone who comes in contact with her," said Pam McCurdy, Kohler's cousin and Liberty Curriculum Director, "and I know anyone you would ask would say that."

"When we got that phone call that she was in an accident, we didn't know how severe the accident was at that point in time," said Andrew Scarmac, Liberty PK-6th Grade Principal. "We started to gather more pieces and understand that she was in that head to head accident. It was just completely devastating."

Liberty Superintendent, Andrew Tommelleo, issued an all call to district parents over the weekend to explain the accident.

"When the children did walk in Monday, there were some conversations. We just sat them down, we talked to them and let them know what's going on," Scarmac said. "She's like a mother figure to these kids at the school. She's just a very genuine person. She wears her heart on her sleeve."

"Not only do I have Jessica as my family, but I know her as just an amazing educator," McCurdy said. "She's a very compassionate person. She's a very positive person in everything that she does. She goes above and beyond in everything that she sets her mind to."

On Friday, friends, family and students in several districts across the Mahoning Valley will be wearing Kohler's favorite color, purple.

"Just so when she's able to see it, it will really put a smile to her face," McCurdy said. "We know she's a fighter. We know she will continue to fight and we just want to support her and her family in anyway that we can."

McCurdy started a GoFundMe to support Kohler's recovery.