New online tool for domestic violence victims and civil protection orders

Domestic violence situations seem to be getting worse in Ohio. Currently, a Columbiana man, Terrance Haywood, is on trial for breaking into the home of a woman he had previously been in a relationship with and shooting her in front of her son.
Just two weeks ago, an Austintown woman was shot to death by her ex-boyfriend, Steve Green III, following an argument.
Last night, Ohio Legal Help launched a new tool on their website for domestic violence victims and survivors to easily obtain a civil protection order.
"Victims and survivors needed an online tool especially with the pandemic," said Ohio Legal Help Executive Director, Susan Choe. "So, some of the discussions centered around that initially, as that, this was something that was just critically important," she said.
Although in many cases, a protection order won't stop an abuser, Choe tells 21 News it's just the first step in taking legal action, that will help protect a victim down the road.
The tool was made to be accessed through a smartphone, computer or tablet where you can easily get
to the website and apply for the documents you need at any time, day or night.
"There was a great need," Choe said.
The website is You can find the civil protection order by clicking on the family icon and whether or not you're in danger.
Judge Beth Smith, domestic relations judge at the Mahoning County Courthouse, is urging domestic violence victims and survivors to utilize the tool.
"I encourage victims and survivors to follow through with their domestic violence petitions because we know, research tells us the cycle of violence is very difficult to break," said Judge Smith. "But we have safety plans for victims and we have resources," she said.
Ohio Legal Help projects 50,000 people will use the tool within the next year.