Frost quakes could be the cause of 'loud boom' heard in Trumbull County

A loud sound was heard and felt by many living across Trumbull County late Saturday night.
"It was definitely a deep booming noise," Susanne Dahayer said, of West Farmington. "I noticed just a loud bang, an explosion of some sort while I was just sitting in the living room and it was kind of scary."
Similar reports were shared by people during a 21 News Facebook live from Southington, Warren, Howland, Cortland, Bristolville and Niles.
Trumbull County 911 fielded calls from concerned residents right after it happened.
21 WFMJ Chief Meteorologist Eric Wilhelm says the changing weather conditions could have played a role.
"We had a great recipe for frost quakes over the weekend," Wilhelm said.
"We had an inch and a half to two inches of rain and then a sudden freeze, so all that water seeped into the ground, froze, the freezing of that expanded the soil and then that can make a noise."
Wilhelm says the freeze-thaw process conditions are similar to when potholes are formed.
He says frost quakes can happen across the region during the winter season.
Dahayer says she went outside to see where the noise could have been coming from. She's just thankful no one was hurt.
"I saw nothing, which is great," she said. "You don't want to see your neighbors or anyone else in trouble."