Walk through any school hallway and you will hear the sounds of learning fill the air. You also might hear kids who are stressed out though or dealing with a situation they don't know how to handle.

Champion Central Elementary School recognized that and is trying to fix it with a new mindfulness and meditation lesson.

"We've seen that we had to incorporate a lot more social emotional support this school year, especially over the last couple of months," said Ali Nannicola, Principal at Champion Central Elementary.

The lesson was designed by Champion Central Elementary Principal Ali Nannicola. She recently did it for the 4th grade class.

"I explain to them that they need to think about just being present in the moment and think about the sources of maybe their food comes from or the people that provide food for them or just calming themselves down and not thinking about the past or the future," said Nannicola.

She also reads stories and talks about the definition of mindfulness and what it means to just be. She also uses meditation and singing bowls and chimes to slow down the nervous system. The students say it really works.

"It calms you and makes you feel better," said 4th grader Silvija Seese.

"When she was making the sounds out of the bowls, it just like calmed me down," said 4th grader Jacob Longstreth.

Nannicola says it's important they take a front seat in providing social emotional support and looking out for the students mental health.

"We hear they just feel things bubbling up inside and they don't quite know how to handle their emotions so that is when I thought it is really time, we have to do something new and something different," Nannicola said.

Nannicola also implemented a calming room at the school this year for kids who may feel really overwhelmed and need a place to calm down.

She is trying to get to several classes a week with this new mindfulness and meditation lesson if possible. The students really seem to like it and are already asking her back.