Governor to reveal state grant to help YBIs mission to develop new businesses

The organization that has been helping startup businesses grow in the Valley will be getting some help from the state in accomplishing its mission.
Ohio Gov Mike DeWine’s office says the governor will be in Youngstown Tuesday afternoon to announce new state support for the Youngstown Business Incubator.
According to the governor’s office, a JobsOhio grant will help new and expanding businesses and bring jobs into downtown Youngstown.
JobsOhio offers performance-based initiatives for companies that are looking to relocate or expand, and partners with companies and local communities to implement incentive packages for each company’s specific needs.
Since its creation in 1994, the Youngstown Business Incubator offers entrepreneurial expertise and a resource network to impact technology-based economic development and community wealth.
According to its website, YBI’s mission is to help create high-value businesses through partnerships that promote innovative technologies and long-term, sustainable employment opportunities, with a focus on information technology and advanced manufacturing.
A host of other dignities are scheduled to appear with DeWine, including YSU President Jim Tressel, and Youngstown Mayor Tito Brown.