PennDOT report shows decreased fatalities after roundabout installations

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation says roundabouts are saving lives.
Data from PennDOT shows a decrease in fatalities, injuries, and crashes after 33 intersections across the state were replaced with roundabouts.
One of those roundabouts is in Mercer County. The intersection of Dock Street and Connelly Boulevard was replaced by a roundabout in 2018.
"We continue to see that Pennsylvania's roundabouts save lives and reduce crash severity," said PennDOT Secretary Yassmin Gramian. "While they aren't the right option in every intersection, we're pleased that they help to make our roadways safer."
PennDOT's data on roundabout safety comes from a review of 36 roundabouts at intersections that were formerly stop or signal controlled. Prior to replacing these intersections, data shows a total of 387 crashes. Following the replacements, there were 220.
More data based on police crash reports show:
- 76% reduction in suspected serious injuries;
- 22% reduction in suspected minor injuries;
- 70% reduction in possible/unknown severity injuries
The total number of crashes decreased by 9%.
Suspected serious injuries were reduced by 76%;
Suspected minor injuries were reduced by 22%;
Possible/unknown severity injuries were reduced by 70%; and
Total number of crashes decreased by 9%.
In addition to the 36 roundabouts included in the study, PennDOT has added 38 other roundabouts on state routes with over 30 more in the works.
With the installment of so many roundabouts around the state, PennDOT created a video to educate Pennsylvanians on how to navigate roundabouts. That video can be accessed by clicking here.