Three accused in alleged Youngstown stolen beer scheme face more court hearings

All three suspects indicted in alleged scheme to sell stolen beer at two Youngstown convenience stores have now appeared in court.
Ketankumar and Piyushkumar Patel, who list the same Canfield address, were arraigned Tuesday in Mahoning County Common Pleas Court on charges of receiving stolen property
The operators of the Schenley Carry Out and Lucky Food Drive Thru on Mahoning Avenue on Youngstown’s West Side are accused of selling beer allegedly stolen by 37-year-old Ronald Pezzuolo of Youngstown.
Investigators the beer was taken from R.L. Lipton Distributors, where Pezzuolo was employed between August and October of last year.
Assistant Prosecutor Mike Yacovone estimates the value of the stolen beer to be approximately $20,000.
Pezzuolo was arraigned last month.
All three face preliminary court hearings next month.