President Joe Biden and House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy met over the weekend to discuss ongoing concerns regarding the U.S. debt ceiling and came to a tentative agreement.

The next step is to persuade Congress to pass the 99 page bill in order for the U.S. to avoid defaulting on its debt before next week.

Some local and state leaders have shared their thoughts and concerns with the bill with reactions ranging across the board from support, to concern to neutrality.

Ohio-based Republican U.S. Senator, J.D. Vance expressed concern for the bill on Twitter late Sunday morning stating that the GOP is getting little to nothing from it.

"The more I hear about this debt ceiling deal, the more I think it's bad news," Vance said.

"Deficit reduction isn't even my most important issue. But we didn't get permitting reform. We didn't get border security. It's not entirely clear we got anything," he continued in a follow-up tweet.

Meanwhile Ohio District 14 Representative and fellow Republican, Dave Joyce expressed support for the bill in a series of tweets late Saturday night.

"I'm glad that the President and the Speaker were able to come to an agreement that puts our country first," Joyce tweeted.

"Speaker McCarthy championed responsible policy, incorporating key economic and permitting reforms while limiting spending, and rescinding COVID funds. The Speaker keeps making government work better for every American," he said in a follow up tweet.

Valley-based Republican Congressman, Bill Johnson told 21 News directly that he's not quite sure on how he feels about the bill as of yet and would need to read it over thoroughly before taking a stance.

"It's a long bill, it's a complicated bill. Nobody wants to default on our debt. You know, I'm glad to see that the two parties finally came to the table, but at the end of the day, I've got to look at that and make sure that it's the right thing for the people that I represent and for our nation," Johnson said.

21 News reached out to Ohio-based Democratic Senator, Sherrod Brown's office for comment, but have not heard back as of this writing.