Austintown roadway to close June 26 for pipeline upgrades
An Austintown roadway is scheduled to close beginning Monday, June 26 for pipeline upgrades from Dominion Energy.
According to Dominion Energy Senior Communications Specialist, Stephanie Moore, Norquest Boulevard between State Route 46 and Raccoon Road for three to four weeks.
Moore tells 21 News the closure is due to a project for Dominion Energy's pipeline infrastructure replacement program involving workers replacing pipes in the ground made of materials such as bare steel, cast iron, rought iron and copper with pipes made of effectively coated steel or plastic.
In this case, Moore says there is a culvert where three large storm drains carry a creek across the road, so crews will be working around and underneath the culvert to avoid disturbing it.
The project itself will last 180 days, but the road closure is only expected to last three to four weeks with the remainder of the project not affecting traffic.