Youngstown State University received funding to help improve buildings on the university's campus. 

State Rep. Lauren McNally announced that the Ohio Controlling Board approved $2,359,886 from Higher Education Improvement Fund in support of Youngstown State University's Campus Roof Replacements project, enabling the start of construction that includes removing and replacing roofs, and installing new flashing and insulation on several YSU buildings. 

The funding will be used to replace the aging and deteriorated roofing systems on multiple Youngstown State campus facilities.

Over the years, water infiltration and roof leaks have caused damage to classrooms, laboratory spaces and equipment, causing occasional interruptions to classes and research. 

Buildings within the project scope include Cushwa Hall and the Edmund J. Salata Complex where portions of the roofs will be completely removed and replaced. Improvements will include new flashing to address leaks and new insulation which will contribute to improved energy efficiency. 

Ultimately, these improvements will extend the useful life of the buildings. 

The Ohio Controlling Board previously awarded $189,571 to fund the designed services of the Campus Roof Replacements project on November 7, 2022.

"Our environment contributes a great deal to our learning, which is what our institutions of higher education are meant for," said Rep. McNally. "Repairing and replacing aging buildings will help our students, faculty, and staff to focus on what's most important."