State Rep. Al Cutrona (R-Canfield) has introduced legislation to give further choices and support for Medicaid self-direction services.

According to Cutrona, self-directed Medicaid services give participants the authority over certain services and take direct responsibility to manage their services with the assistance of a system of available supports.

This specifically promotes personal choice and control over the delivery of waiver and state plan services, including who provides the services and how.

"While those self-directing often have better health outcomes and access to services, Ohio is falling behind in the people choosing to participate in self-direction services," Cutrona said. "The goal with this bill is to modernize and streamline the regulations behind self-direction to encourage more residents to pursue this program, which will result in more efficient and effective health options and accessibility."

According to Cutrona, there are 1.2 million individuals self-direct in America. Medicaid funds most self-direction, and other funding sources include the Veterans Administration and individuals privately paying.

The legislation is currently waiting its first hearing.