Education in Ohio has taken a hit in recent years, dealing with remote learning during the pandemic, however, most districts received some positive news as scores ticked up slightly in achievement and proficiency rates, but have yet to return to pre-pandemic levels.

According to the Ohio Department of Education, nearly 90 percent of school districts in the state received a component star rating of three stars or more, indicating the districts have met state standards.

Districts received an overall rating of 1 to 5 stars, 1 being the lowest score, and 5 the highest score. The overall rating is comprised of five rated components:
• Achievement Component
• Progress Component
• Gap Closing Component
• Early Literacy Component
• Graduation Component

Here is the overall ACHIEVEMENT COMPONENT STAR RATING for school districts in the Valley.

MAHONING COUNTY, by school district and performance index percent out of 108.8 points

  • 1 STAR: Youngstown, 48.7
  • 2 STARS: Campbell, 63
  • 3 STARS: Struthers, 73; Lowellville, 73.9; Sebring, 73.4;
  • 4 STARS: Austintown, 82.4; Boardman, 84.7; Jackson-Milton, 87.2; Poland, 88.6; Springfield, 89.8; West Branch, 84.3
  • 5 STARS: Canfield, 95.9; Western Reserve, 90.1

TRUMBULL COUNTY, by school district and performance index percent out of 108.8 points

  • 1 STAR:
  • 2 STARS: Warren, 57.8; Liberty, 66.4; Newton Falls, 68.7
  • 3 STARS: Girard, 75.1; Niles, 73.4; Bloomfield-Mespo 70.7; Bristol, 78.1; Brookfield, 72.5; LaBrae, 78.6
  • 4 STARS: Hubbard, 81.1; Champion, 87.2; Mathews, 80.7; Howland, 84.4; Josepher Badger, 80.6; Lordstown, 87.1; Maplewood, 88.4; McDonald, 87.9; Southington, 85.5
  • 5 STARS: Lakeview, 91.4; Weathersfield, 90

 COLUMBIANA COUNTY, by school district and performance index percent out of 108.8 points

  • 1 STAR:
  • 2 STARS: East Liverpool, 62.3; Wellsville, 63.3; Southern Local, 65.9
  • 3 STARS: East Palestine, 72.5; Salem, 77.5; Lisbon, 72; United, 79.9
  • 4 STARS: Leetonia, 80.1;  Beaver Local, 83.1; Crestview, 84.8
  • 5 STARS: Columbiana, 90.8

The goals of the state report card are to be a snapshot of progress and challenges districts are facing.

The EARLY LITERACY COMPONENT STAR RATING, looks at the 3rd-grade reading level of students. Here is how the Valley schools did:

MAHONING COUNTY, by school district and percent proficient on the test

  • 1 STAR: Campbell, 32.1; Youngstown, 31.2;
  • 2 STARS: Struthers, 55.7; Jackson-Milton, 62.7; Lowellville, 57.6;
  • 3 STARS: Sebring, 60
  • 4 STARS: Austintown, 83.5; Boardman, 86.1; Canfield, 77.7; Poland, 94.4; Springfield, 84.6; West Branch, 76.5; Western Reserve, 83.9
  • 5 STARS: South Range, 89.8

TRUMBULL COUNTY, by school district and percent proficient on the test

  • 1 STAR: Bloomfield-Mespo, 42.9; Liberty, 50
  • 2 STARS: Warren, 47.6; Niles, 58.3, LaBrae, 62
  • 3 STARS: Girard, 71.1; Hubbard, 74.2; Hubbard, 65.8; Bristol, 76.9; Brookfield, 58; Champion, 76.3; Joseph Badger, 80.4; Lordstown, 82.6; Southington, 56.5, Weathersfield, 78.7
  • 4 STARS: Mathews, 83.8; Howland, 66.4; Maplewood, 80; McDonald, 77.9;
  • 5 STARS: Lakeview, 89.3

 COLUMBIANA COUNTY, by school district and percent proficient on the test

  • 1 STAR:
  • 2 STARS: East Liverpool, 47.1; Wellsville, 54.5; Beaver Local, 64; United Local, 67.6
  • 3 STARS: East Palestine, 70.6; Salem, 61.9; Columbiana, 72.6; Leetonia, 59.3; Crestview, 77.4
  • 4 STARS: Lisbon, 88.6; Southern Local, 75
  • 5 STARS:

Here are the GRADUATION RATINGS by district, with percentage graduated 2022


  • 1 STAR:
  • 2 STARS: Youngstown, 84.3; Campbell, 92.5
  • 3 STARS: Struthers, 93.1;
  • 4 STARS: Austintown, 96.8; Boardman, 95.8; Jackson-Milton, 92.3; Sebring, 95.7; South Range, 95.3; Springfield, 98.6;
  • 5 STARS: South Range, 94.7; Canfield, 97.8; Lowelville, 100; Poland, 100; West Branch, 96.5; Western Reserve, 94.7


  • 1 STAR:
  • 2 STARS: Warren, 85.8; Newton Falls, 88.2; Southington, 93.5
  • 3 STARS: Niles, 91; Maplewood, 94.4;
  • 4 STARS: Girard, 92.3; Hubbard, 95.5; Bristol, 97.7; Brookfield, 93.7; Champion, 94.9; Howland, 96; Joseph Badger, 94.2; Liberty, 97; LaBrae, 96; Weathersfield, 95.8
  • 5 STARS: Bloomfield-Mespo, 100; Mathews, 98.2; Lakeview, 98.3; Lordstown, 97.8; McDonald, 100


  • 1 STAR:
  • 2 STARS: East Liverpool, 83.5; East Palestine, 85.2; Salem, 88.2;
  • 3 STARS: Wellsville, 92.9; Lisbon, 87;
  • 4 STARS: Leetonia, 92.2;
  • 5 STARS: Columbiana, 98.7; Beaver Local 96.1; Crestview, 100; Southern Local, 95.8; United, 97.7

The top five districts by county with chronic absenteeism rate by district include:

  • Mahoning Co. : Youngstown, 59.3; Campbell, 44.3; Lowellville, 42.7; Struthers, 33; Austintown, 29.2
  • Trumbull Co.: Warren, 47.8; Niles, 45; Liberty, 44.2; Newton Falls, 39.3; Girard, 38.7
  • Columbiana Co.: East Liverpool, 43.7; Lisbon, 40.8; Southern Local, 37.9; Salem, 36.5; Wellsville, 30.4

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