The Primary Health Network is expanding its health and wellness services to people using its newly upgraded mobile health unit. Initially, the unit had limited services and focused solely on covid-related issues, but now there will be a variety of services provided.

"We're really looking forward to getting out into some under served and rural communities to provide primary, medical care, dental care, behavioral health care, [and] specialty care where people live and work," George Garrow, doctor and CEO of Primary Health Network said.

The two-room mobile unit will travel through one county in Ohio and 16 counties in Pennsylvania. The unit will also provide pediatric care, along with vaccinations for respiratory illnesses like influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and covid. 

During the month of October the unit will only offer influenza vaccines. Pre-registration online is recommended, but not required.

Here is where you will find the full list of dates, locations, and times of the mobile health unit during the month.