$12 billion dollars. That's how much Cyber Monday sales are expected to climb on the biggest online shopping day of the year.

It comes on the heels of record Black Friday sales for both in person and online shopping.

Sales from brick and mortar stores climbed almost five percent since last year, while online sales jumped to nearly $10 billion dollars for Black Friday.
The National Retail Federation says more than 70 million people are expected to score a deal by Monday night while surfing the web.

But you'll have to be careful because of the amount of scams that are out there this holiday season.

According to the Better Business Bureau, online scams are now the number one scam in the nation.
So when buying online, you sometimes have to do a little homework to make sure that seller is legit.

Believe it or not, it's actually now Gen-Zers who are losing more money to scams than any other age group right now.
They are online more and have a tendency to click on random ads.

"The Tik Tok shop is a very big thing now and if you are looking at your Tik Tok you might see a lot more ads popping up for different products.," says Melissa Ames from the BBB.

To make sure those deals are legit, the BBB says to try going directly to the seller's website to look for that item instead of buying from random ads on social media.

There are also some things you can do before you type that payment info.

"If you go to the payment page and you look up at that url sometimes that will change. If it's a payment page it should also have that little lock. you can put your cursor and hover over that lock and it will give you the details of that page," added Ames.

So what if you did buy something that you think might be a scam?
First, contact the bank or credit card company if the charge went through. If it hasn't, stop it before it does.
If it did, ask if you can fight or dispute that charge.

Another tip...Don't buy something on an open or public wi-fi network when you enter bank or credit card information. You never know where you are sending you vital financial information.