The legal battle over a Mahoning County bike trail continues. 

Mill Creek MetroParks has been trying to extend its bike trail 6.5 Miles. However, land owners say that trail would cut through their property. Eight different cases have been filed by landowners opposing the trail. 

Judge John Durkin previously ruled for all eight cases to be consolidated into one. The attorneys for the park have asked Judge Durkin to reconsider that consolidation because they feel all of these cases are different. That ruling is expected sometime next week. 

While waiting for that ruling, both sides met to discuss further steps. In an informal meeting, a Mahoning County magistrate ruled to allow the attorneys for the landowners to file a motion with any additional or different arguments as to why plans for the bike trail should not go through. Each attorney has 14 days to file a motion if they choose and the attorneys for the park will have 14 days to respond if they do so. 

If Judge Durkin rules to keep the cases consolidated the motions filed could play a part in future hearings.

Mill Creek MetroParks opened it's bike trail in 2000. It's currently 11 miles long and runs from Niles to Canfield Township. The proposed extension would grow the trail into Green Township.