U.S. mail carrier robbed in Youngstown of key used to open mail collection boxes
A U.S. mail carrier was robbed on the North Side of Youngstown while delivering mail on Kensington Avenue.
Youngstown Police responded to a call of a robbery in progress around 4 p.m. Monday afternoon. Once on scene, officers spoke with the mail carrier, who told them he had been robbed of his "arrow key."
Postal Service employees use arrow keys to gain access to secured cluster mailboxes, such as collection boxes, outdoor parcel lockers, cluster box units, and apartment mailbox panels.
The mail carrier told officers that while they were standing next to their mail truck, two suspects dressed in all black and wearing ski masks pulled up next to him in a black Dodge Caravan.
The mail carrier told officers that the suspects kept their hands in their pockets, acting as though they had guns while demanded the carrier to give them his keys. When the carrier gave them the keys to his truck, they responded "Nah, you know what we want."
The mail carrier told officers that after the suspects took the arrow key, they fled north down Kensington Avenue. He said that the vehicle did not have a license plate on the back.
Officers also interviewed a witness to the robbery, who told them that the whole encounter happened so quickly, that it almost seemed "friendly." But, the witness also told officers that the way the suspects ran back into their vehicle and took off seemed suspicious.