The City of Girard will be under totality for 31 seconds on April 8th, but from the students I talked to it's how long the eclipse lasts, just the eclipse itself they are excited about.

A celestial spectacle is right around the corner and Northeast Ohio will have a front-row seat for the first total solar eclipse to occur in the state since 1806.

"It's just special it's in our neck of the woods this year," says Girard STEAM Teacher Whitney Pagano. 

April 8th's total solar eclipse will be a science lesson for us all, from the youngest students,

"I'm excited because I never got to experience an eclipse in my lifetime," said one Girard second grader. 

to students of all ages,

"Me and my Dad are going to watch it from our house," said one Girard sixth grader.

"Me and my family are going to Cleveland. We are going to be right there when it's happening," said one Girard fifth grader.

Girard School District is making sure its students are ready for the big day.

"Especially the younger ones, they can't wrap their heads around it. So when we are showing them videos of what they can expect they find it really cool. The older ones they can't believe this is the only one they will see in their lifetime," says Pagano. 

The curriculum is different, but the same depending on the grade, from learning about moon phases to learning how to safely view the eclipse.

It's fitting that Girard schools are learning this much about the eclipse as the edge of totality passes right over the City of Girard. Mrs. Pagano also says that as she's been teaching her students about the eclipse, even the younger students are starting to ask more science-related questions.

"My other Kindergarten classes or any of the little ones, it's getting them to ask more science-related questions which is a great foundation for any of the sciences," adds Pagano. 

Girard Schools have already informed students they'll be off that day for ample opportunity to view the eclipse.

Girard Schools have already informed students they'll be off that day for ample opportunity to view the eclipse.

Girard students will also have the opportunity to learn more about the eclipse at their annual STEAM night, the theme this year is total eclipse of the arts.