21 WFMJ archives / April 10, 1987 | U.S. Rep. James A. Traficant Jr. spoke to a crowd of about 400 in Hubbard 37 years ago and urged them to approve a 9.9 mill school levy on the May ballot. Traficant said he went against the advice of some of his supporters in appearing at the meeting and urging support for the levy.

April 13

1999: Striking workers at RMI Titanium in Niles ratify a new 4-year contract, ending a bitter, six-month strike. There's no timetable yet for recalling the 513 idle workers. 

Construction on a new $3.2 million Education and Visitor Center at Fellows Riverside Gardens in Mill Creek Park is expected to begin in August. 

Three teenage boys and two police officer's quick thinking saved Naomi Spensler, 16, from the Mahoning River after she fell while walking across a bridge. The boys were Steven Petritis, Troy Jones, and Matthew Petrilla. They, along with Lt. Guy Simeone and Patrolman Chris Mannella, formed a human chain to pull the girl to safety.

1984:  GF Corp. appears to be on the comeback trail with first-quarter profits of $752,000 on earnings of $44.8 million.

Mahoning County Democratic Party Chairman Don Hanni Jr. calls for a meeting of the party's executive committee to discuss the possibility of endorsing a candidate in Ohio's Democratic presidential primary. 

Architecture students from Kent State University unveiled a model of "Dutton's Alley" in downtown Youngstown between Federal and Boardman that would convert an alley into a marketplace and cultural center.

1974: Youngstown's Model Cities Program is strongly criticized for lax bookkeeping in an audit released by State Auditor Joseph Ferguson. Some other city departments also came in for criticism, including the Health Department that spent $20 in public funds for a wedding gift. 

Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and Zeta Tau Alpha sorority took first place honors in Youngstown State University's 22nd annual Greek Sing at Stambaugh Auditorium. 

The federal government negotiates an agreement for the steel industry to pay more than $30 million in back wages to compensate for past racial bias in job assignments.

1949: U.S. Rep. Michael J. Kirwan of Youngstown refuses to tell reporters what he and President Truman discussed during a 15-minute meeting at the White House, fueling speculation that the president sought Kirwan's views on a pending political appointment. 

Playing at the Palace, "Joan of Arc" starring Ingrid Bergman in Technicolor and with a cast of thousands. 

The Youngstown College four-man debate team is competing at the National Forensics Tournament at the University of Virginia. Team members are John Stephens, John Bartol, Bruce Mills, and Joseph Klein.