21 WFMJ archives / April 16, 1966 | Municipal Judge John J. Leskovyansky swore in three new Youngstown police cadets 58 years ago. The cadets were, from left, James Amrich Jr., Richard Durovcik, and Don Dragish. Mayor Anthony B. Flask is at left, and Police Chief John Terlesky is at right.

April 19

1999: It is estimated that Mahoning County has 100,000 houses with hazardous lead paint, but only 1,408 have been identified. 

Warren Police Chief Albert Timko and Fire Chief Jay Mulligan say the FBI has joined the investigation into an arson fire that destroyed the Alpha and Omega Seventh-day Adventist Church on Oak Street. 

The landlord of a house on the North Side of Youngstown in which a five-year-old boy died in a fire is told he will be cited with a criminal charge for failing to maintain smoke detectors that had been installed in the house. City officials say they want to send a message to landlords. The landlord's attorney says it was the responsibility of the tenant to maintain the smoke detectors. 

1984: Ohio Lottery Director Thomas Chema tells the Warren Rotary Club that record Ohio Lottery profits may provide an additional $50 million for Ohio's public schools in 1984. 

Jeff Cooper, a Mineral Ridge resident and student at the Kent State University Trumbull Campus, wins the school’s annual spaghetti-eating contest, downing a pound and a half of pasta.

The nation's leading Roman Catholic clerics, including Youngstown Bishop James W. Malone, met with President Reagan and told him he should seek a political rather than military response to Central America's problems. 

1974:  A group of more than 50 people takes a bus tour of sites of potential public improvement if Youngstown's income tax increase is approved in May. 

The Youngstown Education Association will picket the Board of Education over the nonrenewal of teaching contracts for 75 certificated personnel. 

1949: A bold bandit invades the home of a North Side couple,  robs them of $88, and then orders them to undress at gunpoint.  He fled after the woman jumped out a window and ran to a neighbor's house. 

Youngstown Superintendent of Schools Paul C. Bunn is given a five-year contract at $12,000 a year, with annual raises of $1,000.