Ohioans can report cemetery maintenance issues to a state commission

Ohioans may not be aware that there’s a place they can file a complaint if a cemetery where a loved one is buried is overgrown or has other maintenance issues.
The Ohio Department of Commerce Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing the registration of cemeteries with recent burials and works to ensure appropriate maintenance is taking place. Family cemeteries are exempt from this registration requirement.
The division encourages people to help keep the state’s cemeteries beautiful and safe by reporting maintenance issues.
“Whether it’s during Memorial Day or at any other time of the year, we encourage individuals who notice a potential issue at a cemetery to first address it with cemetery management so it can be resolved,” Hawk said. “While management is usually responsive to those concerns if issues persist, individuals may choose to file a complaint with the Ohio Cemetery Dispute Commission so the necessary steps can be taken to address that issue.”
The Ohio Cemetery Dispute Resolution Commission is a nine-person commission that assists in resolving complaints against registered cemeteries, or a cemetery that is not registered but is required to be registered. A complaint may be submitted to the Commission by downloading a form online.
In addition to resolving disputes, the Commission suggests the below minimum maintenance guidelines for cemeteries:
- Cut grass and trim around all markers and/or monuments once per month during the growing season.
- Have a plan in place to remove underbrush, leaves, tree seedlings, dead trees, and flowers.
- Remove trash and funeral flowers once a month (artificial flowers once a year).
- Sod or seed graves as necessary within one year of interment.
- Foundations for new markers that have been ordered should be set within one calendar year.
- Roads, buildings, structures, and fencing should be maintained and repaired as needed.
- Cemetery perimeter should be marked either physically or recorded at the County.
Management/Maintenance of Rules, Regulations, and Records
Electronic or paper cemetery records of interment, entombment or inurnment right owners and interment, entombment or inurnment records indicating the deceased name, place of death, date, and location of the interment, entombment or inurnment should be maintained in the cemetery's office. Paper copies of records required for the verification of interment, entombment, or inurnment rights and cemetery interment, entombment, or inurnment records as indicated above should be maintained in a fireproof container within the cemetery office. If possible duplicate copies of all cemetery records should be maintained off-site. It is permissible to maintain records in an electronic format so long as the electronic copies are true copies of all the original documents.
All graves or lots should be identified by a map that is stored in the office of the cemetery per ORC Section 1721.09.
Effective March 19, 2015, newly developed lots should be pinned and owners’ names should be recorded so that family lot positions are identifiable and able to be located.
Cemeteries should conduct all interments within seven days of the date of the order unless waived by the next of kin or other responsible party.
Rules regarding flowers and decorations should be posted at the cemetery.
The vault or any other burial container should be placed at least twelve inches below grade.
The cemetery’s rules and regulations should be provided upon request.
Cemetery management contact information should be posted at the main public entrance of the cemetery and at the onsite office if one exists.