A 4.5 Mill Fire/EMS levy could go before voters in Boardman this November.
Eight years ago 11 private ambulance companies were operating in Mahoning County, and now there are two. 
This means people in emergencies can be left waiting when time is critical and can mean the difference between life and death.
In Boardman its population of 40,000 swells to more than 100,000 during the day with employees, shoppers, and others traveling to the township for business.
The calls for emergency services for health concerns, and other emergencies. can be back-to-back on some days.
 "We run between 5,000 and 6,000 runs a year.  During COVID we were up a little bit, but a good 60% to 70% are EMS and car accidents. The rest are fire-related, fire alarms and things like that," President of Boardma Professional Firefighters Association Brian Hallquist said. 
 The wait times can run from two minutes to 20 minutes or more when a private ambulance service is not available.
That's not good when the township includes an aging population.
"In 2016 We used to have 11 ambulance companies, private ambulance companies. Today we have two functioning in Mahoning County," Boardman Township Administrator Jason Loree said. 
So Boardman Township Trustees will be asking residents to support a proposed 4.5 Mill 5-year levy.
That levy would raise close to six million dollars to staff all three fire stations with an EMS/Ambulance crew and a Fire crew.
Boardman residents and folks needing EMS services who are visitors in Boardman would take priority. 
"What we intend to do is have those ambulances stationed in Boardman to respond to Boardman residents and people visiting. But what we won't do is send our ambulances out to other communities to back up their systems. We will only do that if we have two ambulances at our station and one is free to go," Loree said.
Township residents would be billed only for whatever their insurance pays since they would be paying the levy.
"If you call for an ambulance in Boardman you are going to pay whatever insurance pays, outside of that the bill will be waived. If you're a non-resident coming into town and need our service you'll get a full bill which includes your insurance coverage," Township Administrator Loree said. 
A second reading of the Emergency Legislation will take place July 22nd to certify funding. 
One more reading is needed to put the levy before voters on the November ballot. 
Next, the Mahoning County Auditor will calculate how much the levy could cost homeowners.
The township will then release that information.
The township is hoping voters will support this levy.
"You're going to have very good service, with good people guaranteed with three ambulances in Boardman Township with minimal response time. We are going to do the best thing we can for residents in our community." Firefighter Hallquist emphasized.
"Seconds or minutes matter on fire and EMS calls that's why we're really happy the township is taking the step to ensure fire protection as well as EMs,"  Hallquist added. 
"We recognize on your worst day, if you have to call 911 you want someone to be there," Loree emphasized.