It won't be long until the leaves begin to change, and an autumn chill will settle in Columbiana.

This time of year means the city's Chamber of Commerce is making their final preparations for the second annual Witch Walk on Main.

The event is meant to be a celebration of the community that brings customers to local artists and businesses.

"There'll be other events like costume contests, a broom riding contest, last year we did a cackling contest," executive director Bridget Wolsonovich said.

The Witch Walk, which drew over one thousand people to Columbiana during its 2023 debut, is prompting mixed reactions in the community. Some brought concerns to Tuesday's Columbiana City Council meeting, claiming the event promotes witchcraft and occult activity.

Wolsonovich said the costumes, crystals, and fortune tellings at the event are all meant to capture the whimsical spirit of the Halloween season. "It's sad that some people have to take something that's supposed to be joyful and eventful and something that's supposed to bring people together, and see yet another reason to divide us," she added.

President of Grace Church administration Mark Frost sent a statement to 21 News:

"As president of the governing body of Grace Church of Columbiana, I can tell you that the church has not taken any position on the Witch's Walk.

Speaking for myself only, I'm sure the intent of the event was to have fun and to promote commerce in Columbiana. It is an entirely voluntary event and families with concerns are free to choose not to attend."


Pastor Cyndi Midlick of First United Methodist Church also sent a statement to 21 News regarding the nature of the event:

"I know many find it to be absurd that people would consider the Witch Walk on Main to be a threat to their children and/ or Village. It is meant to be an innocent fun day for the children. I don't have a problem with children looking to play games, win prizes, and collect candy. But this event goes beyond the innocent children dressing up. Many will laugh at the push back but you need to realize that witchcraft, sorcery, and Satanic worshipping is real. My biggest problem with this event last year was the advertising in the Mourning Journal by the Chamber. Below you will find the last statement in the advertising.

"This enchanting event is made possible through the collaboration of businesses, volunteers, and the whole community's boundless enthusiasm for all things magical," the Chamber said. "If you're a seasoned sorcerer or a curious seeker of magic, the Witch Walk on Main promises an unforgettable night of mystical wonders and cherished memories."

Inviting into the Village seasoned sorcerers and curious seekers of magic. I believe this invite was not meant to do harm, but those that read this invitation may read it in a different manner. We just need to be careful in what we dabble."