Premier Bank presents $7,500 check to Potential Development

Premier Bank presented Potential Development in Youngstown with a $7,500 check Tuesday morning.
According to a press release, the money from the check will be used to sponsor the annual Mahoning Valley Pizza Cookoff, as well as support the 14th Annual Bill Roux Memorial Scholarship Golf Outing and Mahoning Valley Trivia With A Twist fundraising events.
Potential Development CEO Paul Garchar thanked Premier Bank for its continued support and told 21 News the money supports the school's growing enrollment with the school now being over 300 students.
"We're seeing students come in from all over Mahoning, Trumbull and Columbiana Counties, so every year our reach gets bigger and bigger," Garchar said.
Garchar added that in addition to supporting the fundraisers mentioned above, the funding from the check would also support classroom operations including the purchases of supplies and curriculums for students.