A nine year old boy is making Christmas a little brighter for some less fortunate children. After Jayson Quesada used his own Christmas savings to buy pizza for children at the Rescue Mission, an unknown benefactor sent him 15-hundred dollars worth of gift cards.
Jayson now has a room full of toys that he bought with those cards to match the wishes of the children on a list provided by the Rescue Mission.  His grandfather says it's not what you would expect from a 9 year old.
It's amazing for him to think that way, but it makes sense after all that we do and try to teach him. I'm really proud of him for deciding to something like this," said Richard Gipson.  The grandfather says their family has supported the Rescue Mission for many years. Jayson and his family will deliver the toys to the mission on Christmas eve, along with extra food and dozens of homemade cookies.