Leaders from Lisbon non-profit organizations, police and fire, and churches who go the extra mile to collect food, clothing, blankets, coats, toys, and other items for families and folks in need gathered at the Lions Club.
Here they shared ideas on the possibility of setting up one community-wide distribution site. 
"By having one point of access for those in need for the holidays that would avoid them maybe multiple trips for transportation, phone calls, and those types of things," Community Organizer, Marti Grimm said. 
One coordinated effort would allow the groups to share limited marketing resources and volunteers, and to expand the reach to all who need a helping hand when inflation and the need for help keeps growing. 
It will also help avoid duplication of services. 
Each organization would have one section, a sign, and all of its goods in one location.
"A lot of the suggestions we've had today during our meetings was to offer other resources to make sure individuals and families know about our food pantries, access to mental health services, transportation options, and those types of things that can help them year around," Grimm added.  
Possible sites for the community-wide giveaways include the Lion's Club or Fair Grounds.
Distributions are being discussed for one evening, and one morning so if someone is working, or dependent on someone else for a ride they can get to the event that is more convenient for them.
Possible sites include the Lion's Club or Fair Grounds with distributions taking place one evening and one morning. If you have marketing skills, want to volunteer, or assist the day of the event, you can email [email protected]