Folks in residential and commercial areas along Sulphur Run may experience some louder than normal activity starting this week.

That's because cleanup efforts for the water way will progress into these areas this week and loud equipment is expected to be used.

Sediment clean up in Sulphur Run has progressed from the derailment site to near James Street.

Work on this portion of the project will be done between 7:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.

However, use of noisy equipment will be limited to 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., according to a news release from the EPA.

Return of natural water flow back into Sulphur Run is underway and now complete at three of the 15 areas. This work is expected to continue over several months throughout the year.

Testing will be done to prepare for rainwater and water from the upstream wetlands and derailment zone areas to flow naturally again, the north and south ditches along the tracks and adjacent areas will be sampled to ensure there is no remaining contamination.

A full creek re-assessment will be conducted after all impacted areas of Leslie and Sulphur Run have been cleaned.