Want to see a baby gorilla? Who doesn't... Cleveland Zoo welcomes new foster primate

Cleveland Zoo has a new baby gorilla. While the little girl won't be seen publicly yet, but you can follow her on the Metroparks social media site.
Jameela, a western lowland gorilla, was born in January at the Fort Worth Zoo in Texas but had life-threatening complications that threatened the health of her mother – Sekani – requiring an emergency cesarean – the first in Fort Worth Zoo’s history.
However, Jameela's mother and other female gorillas at Fort Worth Zoo did not show maternal behavior towards the baby gorilla, so it was decided that the best option was to move to the primate to Cleveland Metroparks Zoo for fostering.
Jameela has arrived in Cleveland, and the zoo staff will work to integrate her into their troop.
“Our main goal has always been that Jameela is raised by gorillas,” said Mike Fouraker, executive director of the Fort Worth Zoo. “We have been in contact with the team at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo and are hopeful that our ultimate goal will be met. We are grateful to the incredible Fort Worth team who have dedicated around-the-clock care to Jameela since her birth. She is now a healthy 8-pound infant gorilla and we look forward to watching her journey continue in Cleveland.”
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo’s troop had recent success in gorilla fostering in 2021. The troop’s eldest female gorilla, Fredrika, quickly adopted Kayembe after Kayembe’s birth mother also rejected the infant gorilla.
“We have been in close contact with Fort Worth Zoo and following Jameela’s journey,” said Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Executive Director Dr. Chris Kuhar. “We’re thankful for the partnership with Fort Worth Zoo and the tremendous work by their team"