TNR of Warren gives out hundreds of pounds of food to feed pets and strays

TNR in Warren is making sure everyone has the chance to feed their animals. On Sunday, the organization gave out hundreds of pounds of free dog and cat food.
“They will eat before I do. I don't care if it's raining, snowing, tornadoes, they need food, it's like a child … they depend on us and if I'm not there who is going to do it,” Cookie, a TNR Volunteer said.
More than a dozen volunteers like Cookie are dedicated to making sure no animals miss a meal.
“We have anywhere from eight to 15 volunteers that come out and bag up this food no matter if it's raining, snowing …we have a good group of volunteers,” Gloria Thomas, TNR’s Volunteer Coordinator said.
At least once a month, cars line up outside the building and are loaded up with free dog or cat food. Some people are low income and accept the food to feed their pets at home. Others are taking care of colonies of stray cats.
“They deserve a chance too,” Cookie said about the strays. “They may never be your pet because they're feral but they sure know you’re coming with that food and it makes their day.”
To make sure the strays populations don't get out of control, people who are feeding them must register with TNR and make an effort to get the cats spayed or neutered in order to get the food.
“They’ll kill rodents and they help the environment so I think it's important to take care of them too because they do serve a purpose,” Thomas said.
Each distribution day the non-profit gives out around $700 worth of food. TNR’ mission is to trap, neuter and release cats to stabilize colonies in the Warren area. TNR does accept food donations or monetary donations here. They are also looking for a donation of a fork lift to help them on giveaway days.
TNR’s next pet food giveaway will be on Feb. 9. From March to Nov. they will have two giveaways each month.