21 WFMJ archives / May 7, 1984 | Democratic presidential candidate Gary Hart, U.S. senator from Colorado, was at Mr. Anthony's in Boardman the day before the Ohio presidential primary 40 years ago. In the background is then Mahoning County Democratic Party Chairman Don L. Hanni Jr.; at right is Mahoning County Prosecutor Vincent Gilmartin.

May 7

1999: The Youngstown Police Department says violent crime is down 30 percent and property crime down 17 percent compared to a year earlier, which Mayor George McKelvey says sends a message to criminals that the city is not a good place for them.

School authorities suspended a seventh-grade female student at Grove City Middle School who is believed to have written a bomb threat and a "hit list" that was posted in a school bathroom.

Salem Fire Inspector Jeff Hughes says the city is lucky to have avoided a major explosion after workers on a street project ruptured a 4-inch natural gas line at Ohio Avenue and Oak Street.

1984: On a campaign swing through the Mahoning Valley, Democratic presidential candidate Walter F. Mondale reiterates a commitment to the area, suggesting one way to do so would be to channel "defense purchases" here.

Speaking at Stambaugh Auditorium, Democratic presidential candidate Jesse Jackson told a near-packed house that campaigning in the Mahoning Valley "may be the happiest day -- the most fulfilling day-- of the entire campaign."

A $3.7 million lawsuit is filed against Mahoning County Sheriff James A. Traficant Jr., two of his deputies, and four of his supervisors on behalf of 12 patrons at Mr. C's Lounge in New Middletown when two deputies allegedly ran amok on April 16 

1974: Members of the Mahoning County Welfare Advisory Board urge county commissioners to do everything possible to keep the Mahoning County Nursing Home open.

Twenty-one of the 22 school bus drivers failed to show up for work after officials failed to discipline a second grader who shouted abusive language at a driver and spit at him.

Senate Republican Leader Hugh Scott says President Nixon's Watergate transcripts reveal "a shabby, disgusting, immoral performance" by all involved. 

1949: Three people are killed when an auto crashes into a truck at McKay’s Corners, which coroner David A. Belinky says is one of the county's most dangerous intersections. Killed were Donald Ferrell, 32, of Sheridan Road; his daughter, Donna, 6, and Lella Umbrel of Lorain. Paul Umbrel was injured.

A campaign organization of 900 people jams every inch of the YMCA auditorium for dinner, kicking off a campaign to raise $1 million for the renovation of South Side Hospital.

An apparently minor fall from his bicycle on his own front yard results in the death of Thomas McCoy, 12, of Ellsworth. The fall ruptured his intestine.