Mother of Warren murder victim still calling for justice on one year anniversary

LaRhonda McPeters spent part of her Tuesday cleaning up a basketball court on Jackson street in Warren, a place once meant for fun and games but is now a painful reminder of tragedy.
"He wasn't doing nothing he was just out here playing basketball and they came through over there and Wan'King tried to warn Eddie but by the time Eddie turned around it was too late," McPeters said.
McPeters, the mother of Eddie Bryant Jr. who was gunned down one year ago July 9th, turned the court into a make-shift memorial for him.
"I tried to get to him and they wouldn't let me," McPeters said, tearfully.
Bryant's younger brother Wan'King was also injured that day when he was shot in leg while trying to warn Bryant of the approaching shooters. It's a cycle of violence that's continuing to torment this family.
"I'm still in fear," McPeters said. "When I go to the stores and all of that, I'm watching over my shoulders because it was said before that I was caught slipping at a cell phone store in Liberty like as if they could have done something to me," she said.
Warren's 6th Ward Councilwoman Honeya Price said she's seen families worn down from city violence and sometimes has to act as a victim advocate.
"When you see so many victim's mothers left behind and fathers left behind, only thing you can do is pray for them in the beginning," Price said. "But then most of the time you do have to counsel them, you do have to check up with them," she said.
Price feels there will never be enough resources out there to help keep the youth busy and out of harms way. She said steering them down the right path starts at home.
More than anything, McPeters wants Justice and for Bryant's name to never be forgotten.
21 News followed up with Warren police to see if there had been any updates in Bryant's case. As of this writing, we have not heard back.