Girards Knights of Columbus partnered with Jib Jab Hot Dog Shoppe to donate lunches to Frontline Workers and First Responders.

“The principals of the Knights of Columbus is one being patriotism, and since our police departments and fire departments are putting their lives on the line for us, we thought it would be a nice token of our appreciation to provide them lunch for today,” says Chris Conway, Grand Knight of Columbus.

The donation parade started in Girard, dispersing 355 hot dogs and 29 large fries to Emmanuel Community Care Center, Girard and Liberty's Police and Fire departments, and Hubbard’s Police Department.

“With everything going on in the world today, it's nice for them to reach out and bring us lunch,” says Girard Firefighter, Joe Danko.

“The outpouring has been great during this covid pandemic. Especially’s police week all week and today is Police Memorial Day. I'm thinking about Justin and all of the officers who lost their lives. What the Frontline guys do every day is really appreciated,” says Girard Police, Chief John Norman.