Speed radar signs could go throughout Youngstown
Youngstown City Council is looking at investing in several of mobile radar detection signs.
You see them on highways, in construction and school zones: electronic speed radar signs that tell you how fast you're going.
"We call them our robot," said Sgt. Shaun Baskerville, Ohio State Highway Patrol. "It sits there, does all the work and we compile that data to come up with a good plan."
Ohio State Highway Patrol radar signs have the ability to track and store data that gives a breakdown of speed of each vehicle that passes and the times of day speeding is the highest. That information then tells them when and where increased patrol is needed.
"It'll record all these speeds of cars going by and be deployed there 24/7," Baskerville said. "So, it will show us the high volume of traffic during specific times."
Youngstown Councilwoman and former YPD officer, Anita Davis, says these speed radars have always worked in slowing drivers down.
"We would always get feedback from people and they would say it would slow people down but for those who didn't travel it regularly, those were the one's we'd still end up catching," Davis said.
The Ohio Department of Transportation says they are used to simply remind motorists about what the speed limit is to give you a hint to slow down. During inspections in work zones, they say the trailers help slow down traffic anywhere from 5-7 mph slower.
Davis told 21 News if council does approve the purchase of these speed signs, the city will collect data to put more patrol throughout the city.