"We're fighting, I don't want to say a losing battle but we're fighting a real hard battle," says Cortland resident Larry Flasck. It's a battle he and dozens of his neighbors in the St. Andrews development say they're ready for.
"They moved in a manufactured home down the street, maybe five lots," said Flasck.
The zoning department issued a permit for that manufactured home, which was valued at $200,000. But Flasck and some 50 others say that goes against city code.
"It lowers the property values and I don't believe the tax department will lower our taxes because of it," Flasck said.
Attorney John Rossi, who also lives in St. Andrews, filed a complaint with the Planning Commission on behalf of his neighbors.
"If this were a mobile or manufactured home, those should be permitted under ordinance 1117.04 only in a designated mobile home park district, which this street is not," Rossi told the commission Monday.
But the law director and other city officials say the home does comply with zoning regulations and past precedent.
"As to whether this is a manufactured or mobile home, according to the definitions, the entire definition in our ordinance, it is not," said mayor Deidre Petrosky.
The Planning Commission voted unanimously to reject Rossi's complaint, angering many of the residents.
He, Flasck and the rest of their neighbors can go to the board of zoning appeals next, and may end up taking the city to court.
"Yes, I think it will," said Flasck when asked if he thinks the matter will escalate to that level. 
We reached out to the home's contractor, NHC Construction, but did not hear back.