The Youngstown Catholic Diocese continues to take steps to address the shrinking number of priests to serve the six county diocese.

Beginning today, several churches will be under the leadership of one pastor and two pastoral associates.

The four parishes affected include Saint Anns in Sebring, Saint Joseph's in Maximo and both Regina Coeli and Saint Joseph's in Alliance.

"We're really forging ahead," said Reverend David Bonnar, Bishop of the Diocese of Youngstown. "There's gonna be change, there's no doubt about it but it's a matter of living in reality and that's what we're gonna try and do," he said.

This latest reconfiguration is, again, a direct result of the shortage of priests.

To help address the problem, the diocese is assigning Father Scott Kopp, who's sole responsibility and focus will be to promote the priesthood in the hopes of bolstering the priest numbers.

"He's been in the position but now he's in it deeper and he's doing a great job," said Bonnar. "Right now, we have 15 men in the seminary studying for the priesthood and we are working hard and praying hard for an increase of vocations," he said.

Coming out of the pandemic, as far as finances go, the diocese is holding up and donors and contributors have played a role with their support.

"God has been good, I think there are challenges in some places, but all in all I think we're holding our own," Bonnar said.

Bishop Bonnar tells 21 News he hopes that one day all four churches will share their resources and become one.