The former assistant county prosecutor that won a more than half-million-dollar settlement from Mahoning County has scheduled a news conference with his attorney on Monday.

Martin Desmond and his legal counsel have scheduled the 1:30 p.m. news conference at a law office in Downtown Youngstown.

The event follows last Thursday’s decision by county commissioners to settle Desmond's 5-year-old defamation lawsuit filed against County Prosecutor Paul Gains.

As part of the $550,000 settlement, Gains admitted no wrongdoing.

While Gains argued that Desmond was fired for what he said was insubordination, Desmond claimed it was retaliation for exposing cases he says were mishandled by Gains' office.

Desmond’s attorney Subodh Chandra said the settlement was reached one day before Gains was scheduled to be cross-examined, and followed a revelation of FBI and internal memoranda showing misconduct in the prosecutor’s office.

County officials called the settlement a good business decision.