A young farming entrepreneur has started early in the world of business. And as word spreads people are seeking him out.
Ethan Williams spends his summer days setting up his produce stand at the Austintown Farmers Market from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesdays. 
He can also be found most days on the corner of Route 46 and Kirk Road filling tables up with foods to entice buyers.
"Tomatoes, sweet peppers, hot peppers, garlic, corn, eggplant later on this season," said Williams.
The 14-year-old grows about 80% of the produce he sells. And fills out the table with produce from farms in Austintown, Mahoning County and Ohio. The planning process begins in fall the work continues all year.
Williams says farming is in his DNA. 

"My grandma and grandpa really got me in this business. My mom and dad support me through this. They get me from home to the garden, to here," added Williams. 

Money he earns will help the Austintown Fitch student buy a truck so when he's driving age he can start a landscaping business, eventually go to college to possibly become a math teacher.
Folks are going out of their way to find this remarkable teen.
"Anyone who is his age who sets a goal for himself and decides he's going to earn the money. I wanted to support that and support his hard work," Brenda McDougal said. 
Ethan Williams had some advice for others pursuing their goals and dreams.
"Don't be lazy. Work hard. If you work hard you get what you want. There's nothing better than doing work and getting paid for it," said Williams.