A Lordstown landfill tells 21 News they will not be accepting any contaminated soil from the East Palestine train derailment.

21 News reached out to Lafarge Construction Recovery in Lordstown after receiving tips from viewers regarding rumors that contaminated soil from the landfill was allegedly going into the company's landfill.

In response, Lafarge Director of Corporate and Brand Marketing, Meredith Castro sent a statement to 21 News stating that the company is not allowed to accept hazardous materials of any kind, and as such will not be accepting the soil.

The statement reads as follows:

"We take out responsibility for environmental stewardship very seriously and are committed to full compliance with our operating permit."

"We are not permitted to receive hazardous material, and as such, we are not accepting any materials from East Palestine. We are closely monitoring the incoming materials at our Lordstown site to ensure compliance."

At this point, it is unknown where this soil will be going. Stay tuned to 21 News for the latest updates on this and all regarding the East Palestine train derailment.