NTSB Safety Chair, Jennifer Homendy is commending the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) for moving forward with a proposed rule to ensure freight railroad employees transporting hazardous materials have the necessary protective equipment to prevent inhaling poisonous toxins in an accident.

The NTSB recommended providing emergency escape breathing apparatuses for crews on freight trains carrying hazardous materials following a rail accident in 2005 in which an engineer and eight others died from inhaling chlorine gas.

Chair Homendy says she's encouraged by this action.

"The FRA has taken a significant step toward meeting this lifesaving NTSB recommendation and we hope the rulemaking process moves swiftly," Homendy said.

In 2008, Congress mandated the FRA to provide crews with emergency breathing equipment, and the agency issued a notice of proposed rulemaking in 2010, however no rule was ever issued.

In 2017, the NTSB closed the recommendation categorizing the FRA's lack of action as an "unacceptable response."