A man has been arrested in Poland after police found nearly 100 different pill bottles and other drugs in his possession during a traffic stop on Friday.

According to a police report, police pulled over a suspect, later identified as Ron Zoldan for speeding on SR-170 at SR-616. Police say when they approached Zoldan, he appeared to be very nervous and his eyes appeared to be dilated.

Police say Zoldan gave officers permission to search his vehicle and upon conducting a pat down, officers found a pill bottle in his pocket, along with a glass pipe. 

When searching the vehicle itself, police found more glass smoking devices, marijuana, plastic bags containing a white powdery substance, several more pill bottles containing different types of pills, multiple iPhones, vape pens and over $3,400.

Police also say Zoldan's driver's license was expired and that he told officers that he was aware of its expiration.

Zoldan was arraigned in the Struthers Municipal Court on Monday on charges of Possession of Drugs, Label Controlled Substance, Operating a Vehicle Without a Valid License, Speeding and Drug Trafficking.

Police say the reason for the drug trafficking charge is the amount of pill bottles found in the vehicle.