Jury still not seated in case of man accused of murdering missing Alliance teen, trial continued to November

A jury still has not been seated in the case of a man accused of murdering a missing Alliance teen once again delaying the trial.
Trial for 53-year-old Robert Moore was scheduled to begin Monday, October 2, but just as the jury was about to be made official, there were concerns of whether or not one juror could remain impartial.
Because of this, all jurors were dismissed and the jury selection was set to begin anew on Tuesday, October 10. However, this was also unable to happen, as the defense requested transcripts from the grand jury and jury selection can't start until that happens.
At this time, the grand jury judge is on vacation, so the trial was continued to November 13.
During Tuesday's proceeding, prosecutors offered Moore a plea deal for five years in prison on a reduced charge of child endangering, but Moore rejected the deal.
This case dates back to 2009 when police say Glenna Jean White, who was 16 years old at the time went missing after visiting Moore's home to meet with a friend. Police say she left the home with Moore that night and was never seen again.
White's has never officially been found dead or alive, so the prosecution must convince a jury that White was indeed murdered and Moore was the one behind the murder.