No jail time for owner of goats found stuck in fence in Ellsworth Township

The owner of multiple goats who Mahoning County sheriff's deputies found trapped in an electric fence on a farm in Ellsworth Township will not be spending any time in jail.
Sixty-seven-year-old Robert Stare was sentenced to five years of probation and must pay a $350 fine. He's also not allowed to own any goats and must sell the ones he has by November 2.
If Stare cannot sell all of the goats within that time frame, Animal Charity will seize the remaining goats. Additionally, Stare's property is subject to inspections to make sure he does not have any animals on it.
Stare was charged with multiple counts of animals running at large and animal cruelty.
These charges stem from multiple instances where sheriff's deputies visited Stare's property on Akron-Canfield Road and found multiple goats stuck with their heads stuck in the fence.
In some instances, deputies say the goats were choking themselves in the fence and in one instance, a goat died as a result of being stuck there.
During one of these visits, deputies say Stare threw goats over a fence that was four to five feet high and struck one on the head with a PVC pipe causing it to black out for a moment.
At one point, deputies say Stare's wife asked him to help her with the goats, to which he replied he "didn't have time for that."
Some of the goats on the property have already been seized by Animal Charity back in September.