A Youngstown is accused of punching her 10-year-old son in the face on Thursday.

According to a police report from YPD, officers were called to a home on the 800 Block of Woodside Avenue in reference to a mother hitting her child.

Upon arrival, police spoke to the child's grandmother who told officers that her daughter, identified as 30-year-old Shaquana Moore punched her grandson. 

The child told police that he was stomping up the stairs when Moore punched him twice. Once in the side and once in the face causing his nose to bleed. Police say the child's face was swollen.

Police also say Moore had struck the child hard enough in the face to physically knock him to the floor. Police say he landed on the kitchen floor next to a chair where blood could be seen.

The grandmother told police that this is not the first time that Moore had "been excessive" with her children and that this has been an ongoing issue.

Moore is charged with Endangering Children and Domestic Violence.