Animal Charity of Ohio is asking for monetary help to care for two dogs that were rescued from a house on Alden Avenue in Smith Township Wednesday.

According to Animal Charity's Executive Director Jane MacMurchy, two chihuahuas and nine dead dog remains were found at the home.

MacMurchy told 21 News it was one of the most gruesome scenes she has been to in years.

MacMurchy said the facility could use financial donations to help two remaining dogs with care after the trauma and for the necropsy tests on the cause of death for the nine other dogs.

Smith Township Police and Humane Agents were called to the house, which was full of deceased dogs, feces, trash, debris and two starved dogs clinging to life.

MacMurchy said that most of the photos were not shareable as they were too explicit.

MacMurchy said that they will be finalizing their report and turning it over to the Mahoning County Prosecutor's Office.

Mahoning Co. Prosecutor Gina DeGenova said once her office has the necropsy tests and the reports they will determine if charges will be filed.