Mahoning Valley nonprofit cannot contribute funding to Trumbull Regional hospital

Community groups and health care organizations who were looking to potentially purchase the Trumbull Regional Hospital-- won't be able to get help financially from the Trumbull Memorial Health Foundation (TMHF).
In a statement, representatives from the foundation say they cannot contribute funding at this time.
The reason?
Well,they say quote "The structure of the community group at the time of our most recent update from them does not allow the Community Foundation or our affiliated foundations, as public charities per the IRS, to make grants to them or their efforts."
According to the IRS's website, there are situations where nonprofits can provide money to for-profit entities, but only when it directly aligns with their mission.
And in this case--the TMHF's mission states they work to improve public health and the quality of life for all residents of Trumbull County.
TMHF's says they cannot provide financial assistance to for-profit organizations because they want ensure the funds are being used appropriately and only for charitable purposes.
The foundation says at this time its the foundation's policy to not take on additional expenditure's like this.
According to their most recent tax information posted, the Foundation ended 2021 with just over $19 million. The group looking to purchase the hospital is looking for help with startup costs in the neighborhood of $10-$15 million.
Foundation leaders say while they cannot contribute funding at this time, they quote "have remained in contact with community members and leaders, including those from the hospital itself, to see how best we can be of assistance and provide support to ensure the hospital remains a viable resource for our community."