South Pymatuning Police have filed eleven charges against the driver they say was involved in a traffic crash that killed two people.

Damion Gearhart, 25, of Transfer, PA was arraigned before a District Magistrate on charges filed in connection with a May 26th accident near the intersection of Saranac and Buckeye Drives.

Two passengers in Gearhart’s truck, David Helberg III, 25, and 29-year-old Brenton Tymchyshyn of South Pymatuning, both died as a result of the crash.

Police found the truck on its side in a ditch with sparking wires nearby. According to a criminal complaint, Gearhart told the officer, "I only had a 6-pack of Busch Light," also admitting he had been drinking earlier at a relative's home and a bar. The officer said he found a case of beer that had been ejected from the truck during the crash.

After power was cut to the electrical lines, First Responders removed the truck's two passengers and took them to hospitals where they later died.

The complaint states that Gearhart's blood alcohol concentration was .215%.

Mercer County District Attorney Peter described the crash as one of the worst he's seen.

Gearhart faces an August 13 court appearance on multiple counts of homicide by vehicle while driving under the influence, aggravated assault, speeding, careless driving resulting in unintentional death, and reckless driving.